# currently the braille application works as classic printer driver # so it requires cupsd to work - once it is migrated to a printer application, # it can exist without cupsd, so require cups for now by default %bcond_without cupsd # CUPS directory where backends/filters/drivers are installed %global _cups_serverbin %{_prefix}/lib/cups # we use Git Snapshot from github, use variables recommended by FPG # https://docs.fedoraproject.org/en-US/packaging-guidelines/SourceURL/#_git_hosting_services %global commit 386eea385f4d672dded45abd602282a94e06e22c %global shortcommit %(c=%{commit}; echo ${c:0:7}) Name: braille-printer-app # upstream hasn't released a specific version yet, but the project # should be from series 2.x to make a difference from cups-filters 1.x # and other projects have already the third beta (b3), I've used the version 0 # for beta number # Upstream issue https://github.com/OpenPrinting/braille-printer-app/issues/2 Version: 2.0b0^386eea385f Release: 1%{?dist} Summary: Braille printer application # the CUPS exception text is the same as LLVM exception, so using that name with # agreement from legal team # https://lists.fedoraproject.org/archives/list/legal@lists.fedoraproject.org/message/A7GFSD6M3GYGSI32L2FC5KB22DUAEQI3/ License: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception URL: https://github.com/OpenPrinting/braille-printer-app # Currently there is no released tarball in the github repo, althought version # 2.0b1 was announced - I used a git snapshot for now # Note: I used %%shortcommit, but Github downloads the long commit... Source0: %{URL}/archive/%{shortcommit}/%{name}-%{commit}.tar.gz # Patches # https://github.com/OpenPrinting/braille-printer-app/pull/6 Patch001: 0001-configure.ac-Add-configure-option-for-musicxml-file-.patch # for autogen.sh BuildRequires: autoconf # for autogen.sh BuildRequires: automake # cups-brf backend is written in C BuildRequires: gcc # for autogen.sh BuildRequires: gettext-devel # for autosetup BuildRequires: git-core # for autogen.sh BuildRequires: libtool # uses make BuildRequires: make # used in configure and in SPEC file BuildRequires: pkgconf-pkg-config # uses functions from CUPS API for backends BuildRequires: pkgconfig(cups) >= 2.2.2 # remove once F39 is EOL Obsoletes: cups-filters-braille < 2.0 # remove once F39 is EOL Provides: cups-filters-braille = %{version}-%{release} # liblouis for its *.ctb and *.utb files which are used for PPD driver # creation during build - since only the files are needed, there is # no need for its development packages BuildRequires: liblouis %if %{with cupsd} # we need CUPS to be installed to make the current Braille printer # application to work correctly Requires: cups # for directories Requires: cups-filesystem %endif # for additional file conversions into formats which Braille driver accepts, # in case the input file format is not acceptable by Braille Requires: cups-filters # require tools for at least PDF, LibreOffice file, text and raster transformations # needs convert from ImageMagick for embossing pictures Requires: ImageMagick # for file2brl, which is required for text transformation, and it is the best # way for translating text to Braille Requires: liblouisutdml-utils # for PDF translate support - pdftotxt Requires: poppler-utils # for LibreOffice/Ms-Word docx file support Requires: unzip # suggest support for other format - vector images, musicxml, html, MS-Word doc... # translating MS-Word doc files Suggests: antiword # needs inkscape for embossing vector images Suggests: inkscape # translating musicxml files with lou_translate, which is backup braille translator as well Suggests: liblouis-utils # translating html files Suggests: lynx %description The printer application currently provides classic printer drivers - backends, filters and PPDs - it will be migrated to full fledged printer application in the future. %prep %autosetup -n %{name}-%{commit} -S git %build # generate configuration/compilation files ./autogen.sh %configure %make_build %check make check %install %make_install # remove license files from %%docdir, we install them in %%license rm -f %{buildroot}%{_pkgdocdir}/{NOTICE,COPYING,LICENSE} # remove files which are not needed rm -f %{buildroot}%{_pkgdocdir}/{INSTALL,CHANGES-1.x.md,DEVELOPING.md,ABOUT-NLS} %files %license LICENSE NOTICE COPYING %doc AUTHORS CHANGES.md CONTRIBUTING.md README.md %if %{without cupsd} %dir %{_cups_serverbin} %dir %{_cups_serverbin}/backend %dir %{_cups_serverbin}/filter %dir %{_datadir}/cups %dir %{_datadir}/cups/drv %dir %{_datadir}/cups/mime %dir %{_datadir}/cups/ppdc %endif %attr(0744,root,root) %{_cups_serverbin}/backend/cups-brf %attr(0755,root,root) %{_cups_serverbin}/filter/brftoembosser %attr(0755,root,root) %{_cups_serverbin}/filter/brftopagedbrf %attr(0755,root,root) %{_cups_serverbin}/filter/imagetobrf %attr(0755,root,root) %{_cups_serverbin}/filter/imageubrltoindexv3 %attr(0755,root,root) %{_cups_serverbin}/filter/imageubrltoindexv4 %attr(0755,root,root) %{_cups_serverbin}/filter/textbrftoindexv3 %attr(0755,root,root) %{_cups_serverbin}/filter/texttobrf %attr(0755,root,root) %{_cups_serverbin}/filter/vectortobrf %attr(0755,root,root) %{_cups_serverbin}/filter/vectortopdf %{_cups_serverbin}/filter/cgmtopdf %{_cups_serverbin}/filter/cmxtopdf %{_cups_serverbin}/filter/emftopdf %{_cups_serverbin}/filter/imagetoubrl %{_cups_serverbin}/filter/svgtopdf %{_cups_serverbin}/filter/textbrftoindexv4 %{_cups_serverbin}/filter/vectortoubrl %{_cups_serverbin}/filter/xfigtopdf %{_cups_serverbin}/filter/wmftopdf %dir %{_datadir}/cups/braille %{_datadir}/cups/braille/cups-braille.sh %{_datadir}/cups/braille/index.sh %{_datadir}/cups/braille/indexv3.sh %{_datadir}/cups/braille/indexv4.sh %{_datadir}/cups/drv/generic-brf.drv %{_datadir}/cups/drv/generic-ubrl.drv %{_datadir}/cups/drv/indexv3.drv %{_datadir}/cups/drv/indexv4.drv %{_datadir}/cups/mime/braille.convs %{_datadir}/cups/mime/braille.types %{_datadir}/cups/ppdc/braille.defs %{_datadir}/cups/ppdc/fr-braille.po %{_datadir}/cups/ppdc/imagemagick.defs %{_datadir}/cups/ppdc/index.defs %{_datadir}/cups/ppdc/liblouis.defs %{_datadir}/cups/ppdc/liblouis1.defs %{_datadir}/cups/ppdc/liblouis2.defs %{_datadir}/cups/ppdc/liblouis3.defs %{_datadir}/cups/ppdc/liblouis4.defs %{_datadir}/cups/ppdc/media-braille.defs %changelog * Thu Feb 16 2023 Zdenek Dohnal - 2.0b0^386eea385f-1 - rebase to the latest commit - uses LT_INIT instead of deprecated AC_PROG_LIBTOOL * Mon Feb 13 2023 Zdenek Dohnal - 2.0b0^7c80811050-1 - fix several issues reported by rpmlint * Wed Feb 01 2023 Zdenek Dohnal - 2.0b0^1b63bd1af1-1 - Initial import